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THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIANS is a multi-volume history of Christianity. It is the story of a movement whose founder died in his prime, whose first adherents panicked and fled at the first sign of trouble, but who would later sacrifice their lives for the person and the ideals that they had once so readily abandoned. The aim of this series is to present the history of the birth, growth, and evolution of the Christian churches.
Continues soon with Volume XII:
In the Days of Charlemagne
1. The Spanish Reconquista
2. The Lombards
3. The Kingdom of the Franks
4. In the Court of Charlemagne
5. The Conversion of the Slavs
6. Iconoclasm
7. Britannia, the Vikings, and the Christianization of Pagan Europe
8. The Nadir of the Papacy
9. The Fate of the Eastern Christians under Islam
This series of books starts a few centuries before the birth of Jesus and will continue up to and through the Protestant Reformation. THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIANS is not a discourse on Christian dogma, although it will include the histories of some of the great dogmatic debates. What is presented in THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIANS is the history of how Christianity was changed by and changed the various societies in which it existed.
The multi-volume series augments Dr. Neidinger’s 30-lecture video series, THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY. In this book series, Dr. Neidinger gathers together multiple strands of the story of the Christians from his diverse lecture series, as well as new material from research projects never presented as lectures, and archaeological discoveries of the The Texas Foundation for Archaeological and Historical Research (TFAHR).
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